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30,000 Words and Counting

I have just passed the 30,000 word mark in the book that I'm writing concerning the Epistle of James in the Bible. It's taken a lot longer to get here and has been more difficult than I thought it would be, but I'm glad that it's gone down this way. Through the process of writing this book, I've learned a lot about myself and how God views me that has been healthy. It's not always fun in the moment to tackle a dream, but this continues to be rewarding when I follow through on it. I am increasingly seeing my own weakness and inclination to laziness through this process, which is at the very least challenging. I am a little over halfway through writing my comments on the first chapter of James and seeing how there are 5 chapters, I know that I have a long way to go. I am in no rush to finish this as I know that God has a lot of good things for me to say in each section, but mentally it looks very daunting to think how much further I have to go. Please be praying for me to continue writing and placing my faith in God's strength. I don't want to write another word if the Holy Spirit is not in on it with me. I am convinced that there are critical words that he wants to convey through me within this project.