How to Seek God in Every Moment


I am a strong proponent for regular, scheduled times in prayer and Bible reading. There is something deeply refreshing and freeing in setting aside specific times for God throughout the day. Here is my schedule at this time:

  • I am up at 5:45 each weekday morning to read my Bible and worship God in prayer.
  • At 8:00, I have an alarm on my phone that reminds me to pray. I've been whipping out my Prayers That Avail Much book and picking a relevant section to pray to God. This helps me to pray Biblically near the beginning of my workday since each prayer is a collection of scriptures woven together.
  • At 12:00, another alarm goes off to remind me to pray and do my Bible memorization. I'm working my way through memorizing the whole book of James. If you'd like to learn how to do that, head here for the way I'm going about it.
  • At 3:00, I've usually lost a lot of steam and focus and need to re-center my mind on what's important in my life. This time when I pray, I typically just lift up God and praise his name in my current circumstances. I have a list of things in an Evernote note that I want to be praying for, so I'm actually thinking about dedicating my 3:00 prayer alarm to that list.

But what happens the rest of the day? Are you all set by doing that each day? If anyone were to argue that you only need a few times a day in prayer, I would say this to them: There is something inside of us that deeply needs consistent connection with God. Why short change that part of us by limiting God's relationship in our lives to a few times a day?

In the next few bullets, I'm going to share some advice I've collected of some ways to invite God into every moment of your life:

  • Listen to the Bible on the way to and from work. I do this currently through my Bluetooth headset since I can stream sound from my phone to it. Check out how to get the Bible on audio for free here. I typically just go to my YouVersion Bible app and just let it keep playing until I get home.
  • Whenever you encounter anything pure and wonderful, praise God for his creativity and beauty. Everything from a sunset to a poem can bring glory to God if it is godly and we praise him through it.
  • Take breaks from your work for a few minutes every half hour or hour and walk around, praying to God and thanking him as you do so. It's a good idea to take a break from your work anyways, so why not add-on additional blessing by communing with God!
  • Listen to sermons from authentic Christian preachers no matter where you are. Many can be found on YouTube. Remember not to just listen to the same two or three pastors; mix it up and ask your friends who to listen to.
  • Read, read, read. There is so much that can be found of God in the writings of many inspired individuals. Ensure that you're picking up something that people agree is godly. There's nothing worse than digging headfirst into a book only to hit the cold, dead religious heart of an author. Or equally bad, please stay away from false teachers who are so zealous and "edgy" that they skip right away from biblical logic and into a fairyland of devilish deceit and death. Above all else, try to find authors who constantly mention scripture and obediently follow the Spirit of God in their writing.

Those are just a few ideas that I've gathered on connecting with God throughout the day. I hope some of them were new or sparked a renewed enthusiasm! What are some of the ways that you commune with God?