Gather 'Round to Pray for: The Lonely

I think one of the basic human feelings that has haunted everyone at one point or another is loneliness. What's really sad about it is that once we stop being lonely, we often forget to be empathetic towards those who are still isolated. I believe today is a great day to pray for all the lonely people out there, and then pray especially for those who you know who may be lonely at this time. After you pray, I challenge you to call or text someone (or even go see them!) and be supportive to someone who has been going through a hard time. Let's let our prayers and our actions line up today! And always remember to remind each other that God's love is greater than any feeling of lack. We are meant to live in his love!

Please comment if you're feeling lonely right now and need to sense God's loving presence there with you. We'll definitely be praying for it!.