Get the New James Study Guide for Free!


Celebrating One Year!

It's been almost a year since I published James. It's pretty amazing and I've been so encouraged by the feedback that I've gotten about it.

In the spirit of celebrating anniversaries, I'm excited to announce that I've developed a small study guide to go along with James, and it's available for free! This eight-week study guide is meant to be a companion to reading my book either for individuals or for groups. I hope this guide will help you dig further into God’s message for you through James’ letter.

About the Study Guide

My book has sections at the end of each chapter called Reflection, Prayer and Action. These are meant to help you slow down and process through what you just read. They are, of course, not rigid and don’t need to be the only thing you do. While it's good to read books on your own, I've found that meeting together while reading a book can greatly benefit each of the readers. For one, it allows you to get different perspectives on what you've been reading. It also gives you a chance to explain what you've been reading, and since teaching is often the best way to learn, you have the opportunity to let it all sink in even better.

Taking the time to write down what you're learning while you're reading is also very helpful to many people. Read through the various exercises in this book to give you an idea of what to write down. The most important thing is to make sure you're not just glossing over information in an effort to check a box. You have the opportunity to hear from the God of the universe, so make an effort to soak up as much as you can while reading and thinking.

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