I Memorized the Letter of James, and You Can Too!

Today, I finally finished memorizing the entire Letter of James! This marathon journey - or so it feels - started back in the middle of 2013 and has infused my soul with life in ways I couldn't have anticipated. Having gathered all of the seasoned words of this precious letter into my mind, I am now beginning to enjoy the warmth of the great bonfire of God's revelation. I have by no means "cracked the code" or uncovered every mystery. All I have done is intentionally draw closer to God and he is, against all human understanding, drawing closer to me. If you're interested in hearing the whole story, I wrote a post near the beginning called Bible Memorization - The Key to Many Door and then another post back in November 2013 called Bible Memorization – Two Chapters Into James. Please read them and get excited about doing this with me! I will be putting up another post soon to sum up my feelings and thoughts at the finish line.

If you're already feeling courageous enough to buckle up and memorize James, here's a link to the book!

At the culmination of this part of my spiritual travels, I'd like to announce something that has been burning a hole in my mental pocket (I'm not sure if that modified cliche makes any sense. Basically, I've been really wanting to share this!): A few months ago, God place in me a desire to write down the revelations he has been illuminating in the Letter of James. To my great honor, astonishment and - admittedly - fear, God has been encouraging me to write a book on the Letter of James! I've excitedly commenced writing several books before. Some of the stories were fictitious and others had a theological bent, but the desire to write each was as passionate and short lived as a gasoline-soaked match. I have never been able to sustain my enthusiasm to write on a particular topic past a week at the most. This time, God has introduced to me a desire to dive even deeper into James so I can bring back the pearls of truth and mystery he has hidden there. I'm trusting that God's strength will guide me until the book is complete.

Please be praying for me to have follow through and wisdom through the whole process. I'll be sharing more about the book in future posts, so stay tuned!