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Sanctification and Brushing Your Teeth

I started suddenly getting tons of cavities as an adult, and it was very frustrating (and expensive). I had been flossing, brushing twice daily, and going to my twice-yearly checkups like a good boy. Their only explanation was that some adults are more prone to cavities. They recommended some high-fluoride $20 toothpaste and suggested that I get an electric toothbrush.

I got my new tooth-tickling brush Christmas one year, and since then, I've been intrigued. With this magical brush, all you have to do is move it painstakingly slowly over your teeth; the moving bristles do all the work. Even though I've had it for a while, I instinctively feel like I should be scrubbing my teeth manually. It seems unnatural every time since I had been brushing my teeth the same way since my most formative years. Why should I trust this tool to do the work? And do I have to take the full 2 minutes of brushing?

It's the same way with the Holy Spirit's work in us for sanctification. We are born with a tendency to want to earn our growth. We long to attribute every good thing that happens to us to our goodness and cleverness. We want to do all the brushing ourselves, look in the mirror, and pat ourselves on the back for doing such an excellent job. However, when it comes to the process of becoming like Jesus, we have to give up this notion.

It Will Take More Time than We'd Like

When brushing manually, I am embarrassed to say that I probably end up cleaning for only 30 seconds. It just seems like an eternity to be making the same motion over and over. My electric brush has a timer on it that buzzes every 30 seconds to let me know to switch another area of my mouth. Then, at 2 minutes, which feels like forever sometimes, it performs an extended burst to let me know it has finished.

When I'm letting the bristles do their automatic work as I move at a glacier pace over my teeth, it can feel like I'm stuck in limbo. Yes, I know that I am impatient in this area.

It Will Require More Trust than We'd Like

I know in my head that the electric toothbrush is the only thing that can stave off my tendency to get cavities. My brain still wants to feel like it's accomplishing something, but I have to slow myself down and remember that the tool I'm using works best when I trust it and let it do its job.

The Holy Spirit has worked wonders in my life, but often in different ways than I would prefer or expect. When I pray that I receive patience, he gives me opportunities to grow in it. When I ask him to bless us financially, he encourages us to give more.

We must believe that God is for us, and he is working in ways that are best for us.

It Will Bring About Real Change

It didn't seem like anything was happening differently at first. I stood there for the longest two minutes of each morning and evening and prayed that it would solve my dental problems.

Within a few months of having my new brush, my dentist declared that my cavities had stopped growing. At the visit after that, she said that the brushing was repairing some vulnerable areas. Relief washed over me as I saw a future free of painful Novocain injections and bone surgery (that is, after all, what fillings are).

When we trust the Holy Spirit to do his work, it will take time and trust. We will have some pretty mundane and frustrating experiences along the way. In the end, if you persevere, you will see the fruits of the Holy Spirit's work alive in you. God is ultimately trustworthy, and he holds all the grace you need to make a genuine change.