The Standing Desk: How to Stay Energized and on Target

About 1 1/2 years ago, I got a standing desk at my work. Yes, I'm that weirdo that stands up most of the day and makes other people feel slightly uncomfortable. I didn't ask for it because of back issues (although it is hopefully preventing back issues) or because I wanted to be trendy. I got it because I wanted to be healthier and full of energy. Being a Christian, I consider my body to be a temple of Jesus and therefore I try to take care of it as best I can. Paul reminds us of this by saying, " you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own" (1 Corinthians 6:19). As pastor and author John Piper wrote, "You are always in a temple. Always worship." When we are full of life and energy, we have more to give to God and are able to overcome temptation, spiritual obstacles, and physical cravings much more effectively. What are we waiting for?! Let's get started. Before I go on, I'd like to say that I'm still working on applying this idea to my life. For example, I eat healthily but I don't exercise as often as I should. I know that when I do, the next few days are just that much more life and clear thinking.

standingHere are a few things that I've discovered while reading various articles and books about simple ways to take care of your body and increase your energy:

  1. Get up and take a 5 minute walk every hour if you've been sitting.
  2. Lift weights and/or run at least 3x a week.
  3. Try to get stuff done while standing and walking, whether with phone conversations, meetings or reading.
  4. Spend time outside by yourself or with friends.
  5. Eat consistently and well.
  6. Stay away from any sort of foods that seem to slow you down or rile you up. Even if you're not seemingly allergic to some foods, they may still affect your body in a negative way.
  7. Spend time in silence and solitude (meditation), focusing on the promises of God and letting them conquer your fears.

This is not easy, but the more you inject Godly wisdom into your life choices, the more vitality you have to take on the next big thing. Pray and ask God to give you understanding on which aspects of your health to improve upon.

What are some of the ways that you've found have increased your energy to live well and serve God?