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You Can't Outrun Your Sin

Sin is an interesting phenomenon. It is often slinking around in the shadows of our souls, not obvious to those around us. Each of us have spent enormous effort trying to pretend that it's not there. We hide it. We run from it. We try to make it seem smaller. But we all know that we cannot run from our sin. Years ago while I was living with my parents, I experienced a rather interesting situation. My car and my dad's car were parked on the road during the winter. One of the family members (I can't remember which) went outside to use one of the cars and came running back inside, yelling, "Someone sideswiped both of the cars!" My dad and I went running outside to examine the damage. Both cars had beeen seriously scraped, with one mirror missing and the doors almost unopenable.

On further examination of the collision, I noticed a black rectangle laying next to the car. I picked it up and turned it around. To my chagrin, it was the mudflap from a oil company that serviced the area. It had been ripped off the truck when it collided with our cars! This was an incredible stroke of luck (or favor).

I called up the company and demanded that they work out the insurance and get the driver to come back. They claimed that they had no trucks in the area, to which I responded, "WE HAVE YOUR MUDFLAP!"

Your Sin Will Find You Out

Have you ever tried to do what that company did? I'm sure you have. At one time or another, you are called out by others or yourself and, instead of acknowledging it, you run from it or try to push it off on someone else. The scary truth is that each of us is responsible for our own actions, and those actions are often riddled with evil and selfishness.

We see in God's law to his people that the wrong actions that we do don't hide in the shadows forever: “But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers‬ ‭32:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬). Whether in this life or in eternity, each of us will be confronted with our sin and its impact.

Thank God that he has intervened in our lives and gives us the free gift of perfection and taken from us our sin! Through belief in Christ, we can be separated from our sin and never have to run from it again. When we recognize that Jesus' work on the cross was the perfect, necessary work to unite us back with God, we will finally be free from the sin that has been clinging to your soul.

If you're interested in learning more, click here to see other posts on this topic.

What are your thoughts on sin? Do you embrace the idea that you cannot run from your sin?