12 Books That Blew Me Away


"Leaders are readers." We all know the saying, and it's true. Reading has a profound impact on how we live our lives.Each one of us is formed day-by-day by what we take in, and what better way to take advantage of that then to read a well put-together book. Here are 12 books that have helped me, and many others, to grow and better understand life:

Books on Spiritual Health

Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud (@DrHenryCloud)- This book helped my wife and I grow in areas of our lives that needed to be changed. All of us need to evolve and develop in order to flourish. Everything that I've read from Dr. Henry Cloud has been great, but this one is my personal favorite.

When I Don’t Desire God by John Piper (@JohnPiper) - This book was key in my spiritual growth, especially in the area of joy. Few people are able to articulate our need to fight for joy the way that Piper does. This book is also one of his more practical ones, making it both interesting and useful.

Becoming a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels (@BillHybels) and Mark Mittelberg (@MarkMittelberg) - This book is meant to inspire and assist Christians in the mission to share God with everyone. The book's focus on organic and relational ministry is what sets it apart from other books. It's not about getting people to join a program; it's about pointing people toward the most incredible relationship with God.

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning (@BrennanManning) - This book helped me embrace humility and internalize the fact that I don't have to be perfect to be loved. Brennan's gifted writing helped steer me into a new appreciation for the gospel.

Books on Leadership

The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman - The simplicity and impact of Jesus' ministry were incredible. Coleman unpacks each element of Jesus' ministry and shows the process that he guided his disciples through in order to replicate and grow explosively in the right time.

The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Pete Scazzero (@petescazzero) - This book deals with growing your inner life as a leader and basing your actions on the strength of your relationship with God. Rather than focusing on what leaders do, Scazzero primarily focuses on who leaders are. I started listening to it again as soon as I finished it the first time. There's so much good in it you can't just absorb it all in one read/listen.

Seven Men by Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) - In this straightforward book, Metaxas discusses the successes, failures, and challenges that seven influential men encountered. He allows his readers to get a quick glimpse into what made each person a leader by the way they reacted to various opportunities and obstacles.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey - This book is worth reading many times. The lasting impact and practicalness of Covey's book is what makes this such a good read.

Books That Answer Big Questions

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis - I picked this book up during my first year as a Christian and it profoundly affected my life. This book fully displays Lewis' razor-sharp logic and deep understanding of scripture. Lewis' unpacks the essential elements of Christianity, and does it in a beautiful way.

The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis - Lewis made my list twice, and for good reason. While Mere Christianity talks about the essentials of Christianity, this book delves into the darkness that is in and around people through an ingenious method: It is written as if from the perspective of a senior demon sharing advice with a newly-assigned demon. This ingenious device helps us to see things we might have not noticed if it was written in another, more normal way.

Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand - As a founder of Voice of the Martyrs and victim of several long stints in Soviet prisons where he was tortured, Wurmbrand knew what it meant to experience extreme pain, and supernatural joy. This book details his story and the importance of the gospel in the darkest places in the world.

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan - This delightful and fascinating book embraces a mixture of story devices as it seeks to share the highs and lows that each Christian experiences. Through various metaphors and situations, we are helped to see the ways that we can live triumphant lives in the context of authentic Christianity.

While this is only the tip of the bookshelf, these are a great starting point for anyone. Here's my main thought:

When you surround yourself with ideas that expand your thoughts, you will expand your life.

Question: What books have you enjoyed reading? Leave a comment below: