The Best Christian Children's Books


Some of my favorite memories of being with my parents pop up when I see books that we read together. I clearly remember listening to my mom read Buzzle Billy to me in her animated voice. As I got older, I bonded with my dad listening to the Lord of the Rings trilogy with him. Their love for the written word was instilled in me and I have been an avid reader ever since. We have all been told about the scientifically-proven reasons why we should read books to our kids, so I won't go into that whole thing. You know that and that's why you're here, so let's dig into the books!

My Recommendations:

The Adam Raccoon series

This series of books by renowned Disney animator Glen Keane were and are awesome. I loved reading them with my mom and I am loving reading them with Mia. While there are 8 books in the series, my favorite book is Forever Falls. It's story of how the great king sacrifices himself for the selfish and short-sighted raccoon. That one has made me cry a few times. It's a fantastic allegory for the mission of Jesus to save us all from ourselves and transfer his life to us.

Where to find it: Amazon and

Jesus Story Book Bible

This is my favorite kid's Bible. The words are moving and have made me cry more than I care to admit. The artwork is funky, but fun. We have it in hardcover and Kindle, so I'm able to read this with her wherever we go (although my iPhone's screen isn't really large enough to enjoy the artwork as much).

Where to find it: Amazon

Jesus Loves Me Bible

Although this bible doesn't have my favorite artwork or the most compelling storytelling, it is a solid book, and my daughter picks this just as more often as the other children's Bibles I prefer, so it's become staple in our home.

Where to find it: Amazon

Bible App for Kids by Life.Church

While not technically a "book," this app is a wonderful, interactive way of exploring the main stories of the Bible and keeping your kids engaged.

Where to find it: Bible App for Kids

This Story Is Me

City Church's very own Ketlie Guerrin and Lisa Butler wrote and illustrated a children's book as a companion to a recent series the church did. This book stands on its own though, and it has some of my favorite children's book artwork.

Where to find it: Amazon

Building Christian Character series

This series has unfortunately gone out of print. I really hope they bring it back because it is just so much fun. The wacky characters, over-the-top drawings, and the solid messages behind every book are what brings us back to them over and over again. Our personal favorite (at this point) is Buzzle Billy. It's a story about how important sharing is and how greed will stunt your relationships and your enjoyment of life (that sounds depressing, but it's a really fun story). Mia is practically able to recite it from memory at this point.

Where to find Buzzle Billy: Amazon

The Absolute Best Book to Read with Your Kids

Although I've included some great resources above, here is the absolute best book you could read with your kids: The one that they enjoy reading with you. That's it. I honestly am not the biggest fan of the art or words in the Jesus Loves Me Bible, but Mia eats it up. Here's a tip: Pick up two Christian books that you'd want to read with your kid before bed and say, "Would you like this one or this one?" Giving them a choice gives them the sense of freedom that helps them enjoy reading. Don't simply force them to read the book you want to. Let them be part of this whole reading and learning process with you. You'll all love it.

[bctt tweet="The best Christian books to read to your kid are that ones that your kid will read." username="everetthill"]

P.S. If you're interested in resources for adults, check out my previous post here.


What books did you enjoy reading with your parents?

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