Book Update: Finishing the Rough Draft


I know it's been a while since I posted on this blog, and I think it's fair to say that a lot has happened since I last talked about the book I'm writing about the Letter of James: Summer has been great, my brother Simeon went to an emergency services academy in Texas, my sister had a baby, and my wife is pregnant (the due date is January 21st)! Obviously, a lot of things have happened since I last updated you all.

As far as the Letter of James book goes, I'm currently finishing a rough draft by going section by section through the book. Tying all the content together has been very interesting and I'm extremely excited for all of you to read the finished product! There are so many topics that are brilliantly knit together in James' letter that it's taken a while to see all the connections that I have. For example, in James 3:13-18 (which is about halfway through the letter) we can see the intertwining of wisdom, works, impartiality and tongue taming into a glorious display of right living based on right believing. If you'd like, you can read that section of James here.

Along with revelations that are directly related to the Letter of James (and therefore pretty much my entire life), I've made a few observations that are directly related with writing:

  • Consistent times of prayer are essential to writing. While a thriving prayer life should be desired not just because it helps a person write, it is obvious to me that quality, spirit-filled writings are beneficial side effect.
  • Writing a bit on most days is better than writing a lot every once in a while.
  • When you put God's priorities first, you will have more time to do everything. If decide to write when you know that God wants you to wash dishes instead, you will end up with hollow paragraphs and empty metaphors. However, if you do what you know you should, you will almost certainly receive something profound while you're trying to get rid of a pesky grease stain.

Well, until next time!
