Expect the Incredible, Part III - Make God's Word Your Home

Once we begin to make a habit of asking God for miracles in our lives, the next step is to develop faith that our asking will actually bring results. Too often I've let myself get into doubting that God will do anything. We know he made a promise to us that if we are in connection with him and ask him for anything, that he will give it to us. Is he just not following through with his promise? No! Check out Numbers 23:19: "God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?"

Now that we have some book knowledge that God will actually follow through, how do we cultivate faith that will make our hearts line up with our minds? Well, there is a lot more to faith than I properly understand, but I do know this: "So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." - Romans 10:17.

If you want to see miracles, I implore you to delve into the stories of Jesus in the Bible and really focus in on the miracles that Jesus performed. Not only will you get to know who Jesus in a deeper way, but, according to Romans 10:17, you will also build your faith. What an awesome combo!

Comment on this post if you have any other scriptures that you have found that explain how to build your faith! And pray with me this week that we will all have an increased storehouse of faith!
