Gather 'Round to Pray for: The Fasting

Today I would like for all of us to gather together and pray for anyone who is or has been fasting. If you don't know what fasting is, it basically means that you set aside a certain amount of time to give up something in your life in order to humble yourself towards God. Often, there is a specific plea or request to God that is associated with that fast. Fasting

In Ezra 8:21 we see a good example of what I'm talking about: "Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods." Ahava means love in Hebrew, which adds some extra cool symbology. They fasted for some specific things for God to do.

Often people are asking for:

  • Answers to questions
  • God to reveal himself to them
  • Breakthrough in their lives against anger, worry, strife, etc.
  • Humbleness or another fruit of the Spirit

Please join with me in praying for people who are fasting today! Feel free to leave a comment below about what you're fasting for and we'll pray with you!