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How to Remember Every Revelation

I don't know about you, but there are often times for me where I will get some amazing revelation about the Bible or my life and I'll be incredibly excited about it, but then I totally can't remember what it was later. My solution for that is Evernote. This one-of-a-kind note taking application has really helped me to remember and reference all the thoughts I've had about the Bible while I'm reading, working, at church, or praying. I would highly recommend going to the website and installing it on your computers, phones and tablets.

While there are a lot of cool features about it, I'll just hone in on what I do when I receive some sort of revelation about a topic:

Evernote New Note

If I'm on my phone, I'll simply go into Evernote and select "New Note".


Evernote Revelation

I write a title for my thought in the top text box and then I write in a short snippet or a Bible verse that I was thinking about. Then just hit the checkmark and your note is saved in Evernote. Now you can access it from any computer or cell phone that you have set up. It's just that easy!

Here are some tips and tricks I've found very helpful in Evernote:

  1. Access all the notes you wrote down on your cell phone on your computer. Just download Evernote on your computer too and you're in business.
  2. Later on, I can click the search button (the magnifying glass) for the words in that note and I can find it easily.
  3. You can set up Evernote to accept emails. Then, just forward and emails you want to Evernote (like an email devotional or a powerful thought from a friend) and it'll be saved in there forever.
  4. Write down sermons in Evernote to capture all your thoughts and then go back on your computer and expound on your thoughts.

Please leave comments if you have any questions about how I do this and I'll try to edit the article to make as much sense as possible. If you have any other Evernote or note taking tips and tricks, comment away!