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What Keeps You Going?

"Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all." - Earnest Shackleton. If you've never read Earnest's amazing story of tenacity and courage, check it out here. As many of you know, I've been memorizing James for the past 9 months (it's taking longer than I'd planned) and it's been teaching me a lot about steadfastness in Christ. It's not just that James discuss steadfastness often in his letter, it's that I'm confronted on a regular basis the part of me that doesn't like following through. The challenge that I'm running into is not a physical one like Shackleton's; my battle is one that has claimed the joy and fulfillment of many Christians: Weariness. Sometimes we get tired quickly, and other times it's a slow process.


Thank God that we can be rescued from weariness! Psalm 91:1-4 says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

I just have two questions for you:

  1. What is some of the best advice you've gotten on remaining steadfast in the face of great difficulty?
  2. What are your favorite Bible verses for when the going gets hard in your life?

Please share your thoughts with all of us by commenting on this post. We all have something to learn from each other in this area.