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Why Should You Memorize the Bible?

I've already written a few times on my Bible memorization methods and discoveries. I felt like I had to write this particular post because I think there is something about bible memorization that I haven't covered fully. Instead of reiterating how to memorize the Bible, I'd actually like for you to answer this question: Why should I memorize a book of the Bible? I had to ask and answer this question many times over the past few months and it helped me stay on course. why

Here are the most powerful answers to that question that I've found so far:

Reason #1: It glorifies God. This may seem like a very basic and almost cheesy-sounding reason, but I listed it first because I believe it is by far the most important reason. When we love something, we devote significant amounts of time to it. Also, the more we learn about something beautiful, the more we end up loving it. This upward spiral is a magnificent dance that leads us to enjoy God more and therefore bring him glory.

Reason #2: Your eyes will be opened to many deeper realities in the Bible. For the last few months, I've been listening to a year-long canonical Bible plan (meaning the plan goes straight from the beginning to the end of the Bible). I've also been trying to read a chapter of the New Testament each day. What's been amazing is that as I'm either listening to or reading those sections of the Bible, I'm constantly reminded of specific chapters and verses in James. Now mind you that I'm reading the ESV Bible without cross-references (it's free on Kindle!). There is nothing wrong with cross-references, but that's not the same as having the Word of God so rooted in you that you are able to find beautifully intricate connections instantly.

Reason #3: Your soul cannot live without God's words. You may be an Olympic athlete on the outside, but if you are not consuming nourishment for your soul, you can quickly become an anorexic weakling who is easily overcome and overwhelmed by the smallest spiritual foe. My friend Eric just shared a wonderful metaphor with me that captures this idea perfectly: Imagine the struggle in your soul between good and evil is a fight between two dogs. Want to know which of the dogs will triumph over the other? The one you feed the most always wins!

As you read this, I hope that you see that my soul is only boasting in God and what he has done in my heart and mind. Without his help, all this biblical knowledge and excitement I've fought for will simply lead me to sit on the throne of a Pharisee. It is important to remember that knowledge of God and his words does not equal knowing him. Instead, I pray that God will consistently soften my heart to the reality that the words of James are dust and ash without his breath in them. Only he can keep my spirit alive in him.

If you're interesting in reading more about Bible memorization, here are some other posts I've written: